The SFJATC is currently accepting Applications
The first two weeks of December 2024,
Monday through Friday
Start your application process here: https://secure2.
tradeschoolinc.com/v5/sfjatc- com/login/index.php
Applications will be online only.
Please note that only the first 1600 applications will be accepted.
After the first 1600 applications are submitted, the application process will be closed and no other applications will be processed.
Please note it can take 24-48 hours for your account to be approved before submitting your application.
IF you already have an open application
(you are on the current waiting list)
and wish to reapply, you Must submit a request to close your current application before you can start a new application.
Please go to the Apprenticeship page for requirements and application information.
Please keep checking back here for all updates.